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Staying connected when the ground is shifting beneath our feet

The world as we know it has changed.

We’ve always understood, deep down, that the most important things in life are our relationships with others.

The connections we make with other people every day give us strength when life is challenging, give us perspective, build our knowledge and stop us from feeling alone.

So what happens when we are no longer able to connect in this way?

A crisis brings out the best in most people, and the worst in a few. Ignore the few.

Recent events have shaken the foundations we have built our lives upon, but we can and will rise to the challenge of staying connected. We will teach ourselves how to overcome our fear of technology. We will smile as we pass people, keeping their distance. We will learn creative new ways of working. We will ask people how they are feeling and if there is anything we can do to help. We will reconnect with nature.

Above all, we will hold safe the knowledge that this, like everything else, will pass.

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